Bob Brady proposes the city build its own casino...
"Its a no brainer. Theres no downside, that I can think of." -Rep B Brady
I do believe this requires no brains to love and that Rep Brady cannot think of a downside. Let me help with that, this city is notorious for corruption, casinos are corruption magnets. This city has a serious problem with nepotism, (hiring your brother for a job he's barely qualified for just because he's your brother) which means you have people on the payroll who are difficult to fire, and not so great at thier job, this is a recipie for waste, which means less money for the school district (after all, these casinos are all about the school districts and lowering taxes, so efficiency and high profits should be paramount). Thank god the Mayor agrees...
But dont tell that to City Council!
Councilman Jim Kenney calls Nutter's rejection of the idea "shortsighted."
Councilman Mark Squilla asks: "If we can do it and the city can profit, why not?"
Councilman Kenyatta Johnson repeatedly said he is keeping an open mind about what he called an "interesting concept."
Brady said Council President Darrell Clarke was interested in exploring the city-owned casino concept after the two spoke on the phone Thursday morning.
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